Blog for the Boys

Category: Uncategorized


FirefighterSpiceeCow, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Bumper Boats

IMG_2858, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.


166, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Fair Ride

IMG_2877, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.


049, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.


IMG_2903, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Catching a Moth & Dancing

3 & 1/2 Update

Yes, last month was busy and this month was even more so.  I will try to keep this as short and sweet as I possibly can, but I have also realized this is a great way to journal about things Jeremiah has done.  So now this has become more for me than anyone else.  Sorry, […]

Under Water

MAH00073, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Jeremiah is getting pretty comfortable putting his head under the water when we swim now.

Smores = Good

IMG_2699, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

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