Blog for the Boys

Kicking Back

IMG_2582, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Apparently we need a recliner so he can lean back while he reads.

Our Little Gamer

IMG_2574, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Shorty is playing some Peggle. Maybe I should not have given him the headset yet…

April Update

Hello Everyone. As I sat down to write this, I realized it was probably good we all had colds this week and didn’t do much.  Looking back this has been a really busy month.  Good, but busy.  And when did Easter sneak in there? We have had a couple new things happen this month.  First […]

Easter Egg Hunting

Showing off my tattoo

tattoo, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Sliding at Easter Party

slide, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Eating a cupcake

cupcake, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Name Spelling


IMG_2462, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Icing Cookies

IMG_2457, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

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