Blog for the Boys


IMG_0837, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.


IMG_0829, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.


IMG_0803++ChildPrepatPark, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

The month of Why! That should be the title of this update. The word that Jeremiah is loving and we could care less if we ever hear it again. That about sums up the month. Talk to you next month when I am even more insane. No really this has been a great month! And […]

Today was the Buzz-A-Que to support Sam from our church who has Hodgekins Lymphoma. Jeremiah and I both got our hair buzzed along with about a dozen other guys. Before the buzz: During the buzz: After the buzz:

Front View

IMG_0733, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Side View

IMG_0729, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Hands Off

IMG_0737, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Don’t even think of trying to take it from me!


IMG_0740, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. These shoes are not quite the right size.

Jeremiah Singing from Jigsaw hc on Vimeo.

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