Blog for the Boys

What Jelly?

IMG_0701 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC


IMG_0695 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC

Easter 2009 and some Basketball from Jigsaw hc on Vimeo.

We had a big day today at Eggapalooza. First we got to jump in a big moon bounce and slide down the giant slide. Then we had our first cotton candy, ever. Next up was the Easter Egg hunt. We found enough to fill our basket. Mostly in the bushes. Then on to the petting […]

Goat named KatieOriginally uploaded by Jigsaw HC Jeremiah holding his new toy goat he got at an Easter egg hunt and then named Katie.

Hi everyone, Well, I made it over 2 years without missing a month. Not too bad. The question is did any of you realize? February and March blurred together. I can’t believe we are starting April. Where does the time go? We (Jeremiah and I) fought off colds in both Feb.and Mar, which always make […]


IMG_0603 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC

Birdhouse is complete

IMG_0602 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC

Building my first bird house

IMG_0598 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC

A Little To Big

IMG_0585 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC

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