Blog for the Boys


DSC00361 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC


DSC00354 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC


DSC00349 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC


IMG_7936 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC


IMG_7940 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC


DSC00340 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC I’m not doing nothing.

Let me in…Let me in…

DSC00334 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC

Jeremiah Spinning and Bear Crawling from Jigsaw hc on Vimeo.

Before Haircut After Haircut

I think I say this every time, but where is time flying to these days? We had a great January. February is off to a little bit of a rocky start, but more on that later. Just a reminder, the purpose of these e-mails are to update family – so there might be a little […]

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