Blog for the Boys

Getting Tall

DSC00255 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC

Happy New Year!! How do the holidays fly by so fast? We went from Jeremiah’s birthday right into Christmas events. I am pretty sure he will love December as he gets older. The first weekend was his birthday party; the second weekend we celebrated our California Christmas, the third weekend we were at Andy’s parents […]

Jeremiah singing

Getting Ready to Knock It Down

DSC00232 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC

Who’s shoes are those?

DSC00227 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC

Playing Under the Stairs

DSC00234 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC


Singing Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC

Trip to IN for Christmas 2008 from Jigsaw hc on Vimeo.

Playing Pinball with Grandpa Riding my tractor Playing piano Reading books with Grandpa

Christmas 2008 Service – Jeremiah “Singing” from Jigsaw hc on Vimeo.

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