Blog for the Boys

Making Cookies

DSC09905 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Post Turkey Sleepy Time

Post Turkey Sleepy Time Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Being Thanksgiving I wanted to help Mommy make the ChexMix today. First I opened all the boxes. They I got out a spoon. I stirred and stirred and stirred. Then I had to wash off the evidence that I sampled a little. Then I had to get Daddy to help me dry off so there […]

720 Days Old

DSC09886 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Relaxing with George and Doggie

DSC09879 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Music Class

DSC09877 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Music Class with Isaac

DSC09873 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

November? When did that happen? Jeremiah is 23 months old. In less than a month, we will have a two year old. Not that life will be that different. He already is pushing the limits and testing. I just figure it will intensify and we will get better at not laughing when he does something […]

Jeremiah riding his new 4 wheeler. Jeremiah Riding His 4 Wheeler from Jigsaw hc on Vimeo.

Jeremiah playing in his bounce house and singing Bounce House & Singing from Jigsaw hc on Vimeo.

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