Blog for the Boys


DSC09854 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Happy Birthday

DSC09867 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Jeremiah got an early birthday present from Grandpa and Grandma today. Video coming soon.


Yoda Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. You seek Yoda…

Sitting with my pumpkins

DSC09785 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.


DSC09766 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.


Hamburger Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Eating a Hamburger like a big boy

Very Strong

DSC09729 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Jeremiah figured out how to crawl backwards up the wall and couch with his legs. He’s almost flipped over and accidentally did a somersault a few times. It is only a matter of time until he does it accidentally.


DSC09727 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. I figured out how to suction cups to my mouth.

Helping Mommy with Dishes

DSC09717 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Where is this year going? It seems like it was just summer. We are still having summer like weather so maybe that is why it doesn’t seem like October. It was hot and humid most of September. Now we are dry and either hot or cold – the Santa Ana winds change the weather so […]

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