Blog for the Boys

Driving at LegoLand Peek-a-boo I’m a messy eater sometimes

Before my haircut After my haircut

Hello Everyone, If you look at our website you will know we have been busy in the last few weeks. We took a vacation to Florida with the Furlongs and then went to Indiana to see family. We have been all over the country, so that explains why this is late. Before our trip we […]

Ooohh … more cats

Ooohh … more cats Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

I found a cat

I found a cat Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Grandpa’s Hat

Grandpa’s Hat Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. I found Grandpa’s hat so I decide to wear it.

Playing with rocks

Playing with rocks Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Riding my tractor with Grandpa’s hat

Riding my tractor with Grandpa’s hat Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Blue Tongue Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. I got a bite of blue moon ice cream and now my tongue is blue.

Taking Pictures

Taking Pictures Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Grandpa let me play with his old camera. I really had fun taking pictures with it.

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