Blog for the Boys

Mom & Dad got me a new train! I love playing in it and they love that it folds up to get put away behind the couch.

I like my box

Since Grandpa and Grandma have my big tractor in Indiana I have to ride my little one around the house.

Hello Everyone, 1 year and 4 months down! Where has the time flown by? (Do I say that every month?) We had a check up last week. Jeremiah now weighs 24lbs 4oz and is 31 1/4″ tall. He is in the 50th percentile in both. However he is in the 75th percentile in head circumference. […]

I’m a big boy now so I need two pacifiers.

First Jeremiah is decorating eggs.Then, he is looking for them during our Easter Egg hunt.Finally, there is some playing on the patio.The video is kind of long, but the end is funny.

Photos From My Easter When I got up this morning I got to find eggs around the living room. Then Mama decided it would be fun to give me sugar to start the day. Then I got dressed up nice for church. After we got home I got to play with my new sidewalk chalk. […]

My elephant friend. I figured out how straws work. Me and my Mama

This is one yummy cracker.

Hello everyone, I hope all is going well with you. We had a busy month of February. Jeremiah and I were both sick with the flu. Luckily his only lasted about 12 hours. He just couldn’t figure out why I wouldn’t give him more food after he got sick. At least he slept a lot, […]

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