Blog for the Boys

Good Luck Julie!

Jeremiah playing with Grandma and Grandpa and then with his crayons.

Grandma and Grandpa are here with me this week and we’re having a lot of fun.

Grandpa and Grandma are in town and Jeremiah got a new tractor.

Jeremiah imitating a monkey and then playing in the living room.

“I figured out where Mommy was hiding the rest of the mashed potatoes from me.”

We got Jeremiah his own chair. He loves it. He spent most of the evening in it.

Jeremiah loves bath time. Just recently he figured out how to wash himself.(Don’t worry … this video is safe for work)

I love sliding. Even when it makes my hair all staticy. Plus, the wood chips at the park taste great.

I was trying to take a picture of Jeremiah eating his taquito like a big boy. He only wants to eat foods that he can hold in his hand and bite off today…actually for the last 2 days since he was sick. But, every time I get the camera out he makes this cheesy face […]

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