Blog for the Boys

Most mornings Jeremiah’s routine goes something like this:– Wake up and jabber/cry until someone comes to get him– Go downstairs and get a diaper change– Ask for a banana (probably started this upstairs and continued during diaper change)– Nichole or I tell him we’ll go find some breakfast and we head to the kitchen– Jeremiah […]

Jeremiah playing with an airplane (and cheesing for the camera).

Hello, I am only 2 days late this time! Much better than January. Jeremiah turned 1 year and 2 months on Wednesday. He is getting to be quite the “big boy”. The latest news is he got his second tooth yesterday. It is the top right. So he has one on top of the other. […]

Pretending to take a nap so Mommy will not make me take a real one. Helping with dishes Getting rained on

Hello Everyone, Well here it is the end of January and I am finally sitting down to write up the beginning of January update. Aren’t things supposed to slow down after Christmas? Since you haven’t heard from us since December this maybe a long one. (Just a warning) We managed to survive the rest of […]

Jeremiah Playing Video: First he has a beach ballThen, he reads a book with NicholeFinally, he steals Nichole’s water bottle

Here are a few photos from the last couple weeks. First we have Jeremiah playing with a blanket on his head. He thought it was hilarious. Jeremiah playing at the park I LOVE SWINGING!!! My fingers taste like juice.

Clips of Jeremiah from Christmas time.

Jeremiah feeding himself a mini banana.

Riding my tractor. I stole Grandpa’s chair and remote.

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