Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Finished Command and Conquer 3 (mostly)

I finally had tome today to finish the GDI campaign. I finished the NOD campaign last week. I realize I did them out of order, but that Defend Your Base level in GDI was really hard (which everyone told me it would be) so I took a break from it and went to NOD. All of the other levels were pretty strait forward and not to hard to do on Medium difficulty and still get all the bonus objectives. For that Defend the Base level I had to do it on Easy to beat it, but I did get all the bonus objective for it on Easy. The one thing I’m a little frustrated with is that when I finished the GDI campaign it did not give me the achievement for doing all of the bonus objectives even thought I did gt them all. I even want back through and checked. Oh well, I’m not playing through them again to try and get it. On to the Scrin campaign.

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