Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

NCAA Football 08 Demo Rant

I checked out the demo for NCAA Football 08 last night and it is pretty much exactly how I remember NCAA Football 07. The graphics don’t really look any better. The plays are all still the same. The only difference I can see is they changed the audible and coverage options that are available before the play snaps. The demo lets you play as USC vs Michigan. I really don’t have a lot to say about it. If you’ve played NCAA Football 07 then you know what to expect. Essentially you’ve got a scaled down version of Madden, but with more teams available to play with. Hopefully this is not the final build of the game because when you leave the huddle the game hiccups and pauses for a second. I did not notice it at first, but once I did I realized it was happening every single time. Hopefully that gets sorted out before the game is released.

I would prefer to just keep NCAA Football 07 and buy an update for the game with all the new rosters. I’d even pay $20 for it. I don’t expect EA to do that, but it would be a nice option. If they are not going to have any major updates to the series why release another game?

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