Lost: Via Domus Review
I decided to play Lost: Via Domus because I’m a fan of the Lost and I thought it might give some cool back story stuff. I’m glad I only rented it because I beat the whole thing in around 4 hours without much effort. It is suppose to be a mystery style game where to try to remember your past and learn about the island but really your just walking through a story with very little mystery solving to do.
I’m pretty disappointed with the game. Besides being ridiculously short there was very little you do in the game besides walk from one area to another and talk to people. There are a few puzzles you have to solve to unlock areas, but mostly they are pretty simple. Additionally, there were only a few things you actually learn about the show. The first is that the shark that was seen during the episode where a few people try to escape the island on the raft turns out to be a mechanical shark. The other thing you find out is that the Swan Station, where Desmond was pushing the button all that time, did have a way to get behind the concrete sealed walls into the area where the electromagnetic fields come from. They show what is back there but I have no idea what it was suppose to be. It was some big metallic thing. They also show to get off the island by boat you have to temporarily disable the device so you can follow a compass setting like they told Michael and Walt to do without it interfering with the compass. Not really that big a deal.
The game leads you up to helping the others capture Jack and letting you off the island so you can prove that you did not kill your girlfriend (you have photos of the event as you;re a photographer). However, when you go to betray Jack Kate does the usual follow along and gets caught so you blow up some dynamite and help them both escape. You then run to the beach and get on the boat before the Others can stop you since you’ve already deactivate the electromagnetic field. As you get n the boat Locke helps cover your back and escape. He admits he doesn’t want to leave the island but your path seems to be to head home. The game then cuts to the final cut scene and you’re back on the beach again just like how the game starts, but this time your girlfriend comes running over to help you. What?! First off she was dead. Second, how did you go back in time and gt back to the plane crash again after escaping the island? The ending doesn’t answer any of these things. It just ends with her coming over to help you up with the plane crashed in the background. This might be the worst game ending ever. I did not expect to get a lot an answers since Lost never gives any, but why not just end the game with getting on the boat?
If you’re a fan of lost and have 4 or 5 hours to waste the game has a few little things you can enjoy about the back story of the show and it has really easy achievements. However, the ending sucks and some of the voice acting is not very good. Overall I’d not recommend playing this game unless you’re a die hard Lost fan and a huge achievement whore.