Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

SHReK the THiRD Demo Review

I want to start by thanking Nintendo for making Mario popular. If it were not for Super Mario Brothers back on the NES action/adventure platformers may have never evolved to the level they are today. However, since they did we have games like SHReK the THiRD. Normally I would not be interested in kids games like SHRek the THiRD, but since my son is already very interested in video games (I have to hide the 360 controller or he tries to play with it) I’ve been keeping an eye out for games that he might be able to play once my wife and I decide he is old enough to play. After trying the SHReK the THiRD demo I’ll have to keep this game in mind once he is old enough. The controls are really simple; move with the left joy stick and then jump with A and attack with B and X. The graphics look decent enough. Not the best I’ve ever seen, but pretty good for a game based on a movie. Once his little hands fit around the control I think my son would enjoy SHReK the THiRD. The entire games, at least as far as I can tell from the demo, involves walking through levels and punching the enemies until you knock them out. There’s no blood and there are some really funny attacks. I’m not sure how my wife will feel about our son playing a game where all you do is hit people, but it could be worse. It could be a Barney game.

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