Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Stuntman: Ignition Demo Review

A demo for Stuntman: Ignition was released on the Marketplace today and while I stink at racing games I figured I’d give it a try anyway. While it looks pretty good, I found it to be very difficult. Even when I set it to the easy mode I had trouble beating any of the three levels. The premise of the game is that you are stuntman and you need to do the stunts as the directory calls them out. The more you string together the better you score. Even with the director telling me what to do next and where to go I had a lot of trouble with it. A lot of the driving requires you to be precise while driving over exact spots or between specific places without loosing speed. I can’t drive in video games when it is on a nice wide track let alone between two other cars. I found it frustrating because they clearly want you to replay the levels over and over until you get it perfect, but I prefer games where you don’t have to memorize every twist and turn in a level to finish it perfectly. If you’re into driving games this one is probably worth checking out, but keep in mind that your driving skills have to be pretty dang good to score well. I know I should probably give up on driving games, but the idea of driving through explosions was to tempting to pass up.

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