Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Spiderman: Friend or For Demo Review

Before trying the demo for Spider-Man: Friend or Foe today this game was not even on my radar, but I’m really glad they released a demo for it because it is a lot of fun. It is a basic brawler/beat-um-up type game set in the Spider-Man universe. However, instead of fighting his normal enemies Spider-Man is forced to team up with them after they all attacked by an even stringer enemy. The graphics have a cartoon style that work really well for a Spider-Man game. I like that instead of just following the script from the last movie they decided instead to make a completely new storyline. The game is designed to be played on the same box. There is not co-op over live, but this is the kind of game that is best played sitting on a couch with a friend anyway. When playing it alone you can easily switch between the two available characters (Spider-Man and a teammate). Each character has their own unique attacks and combo moves that you and your teammate can exploit to hammer on the enemies. Overall this is a simple button masher with a few combos to keep it from getting to repetitive, but it is still a lot of fun and that is what counts to me. I plant to rent this one and have a friend over some weekend to play through it.

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