Commanders: Attack of the Genos Review
I’ve been playing a lot of Commanders: Attack of the Genos. Commanders is a turn based strategy game on Xbox Live Arcade. There are 15 levels to the basic campaign, another 15 levels of the advanced campaign, a battle mode, and online multiplayer. So far I’ve played a few battles and finished the basic campaign. The levels generally take between 60 and 90 minutes to complete for the standard campaign. And that is with the animations set to fast. It is not really a slow paced game though. You just have a lot to do each time it is your turn. You have to move, attack, build, and repair. The later in the level you are the more units you probably have making the turn take longer as you coordinate your attacks with all your units. In addition to your standard units like tanks, scouts, and artillery there are commander units. The commander unites have both a passive and active special ability. The passive abilities effect all the other units on the screen that are close the the commander. They do things like restore health and add more defense. The active specials abilities do things like rain missiles on all the enemy units. Personally I like the commander that has the passive ability the lets your artillery shoot one square further and the active ability to restore your action points. That way my artillery can shoot further than the enemies (so I can hit them but they can’t hit me). The active abilities take a few turns to charge up so use them wisely. The commanders add a nice level of strategy to the game. Without them it would be a simple rock/paper/scissors battle but with the commanders it adds a great level of complexity to the strategies available.
If you like strategy games Commanders is a pretty good one and with a lot of hours of game play it is well worth the $10 price tag.