Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Xbox 360 Hard Drive Upgrade

I caved and purchased a larger 60 GB Xbox 360 Hard Drive last week. My 20 GB drive that I’ve had since my first 360 the January after launch has been going strong, but it continually has about 15 GB or more of stuff stored on it so generally when I want to download a demo I have to first remove one of the older demos I already have. That was just something I had gotten use to but was never fond of. When the New Xbox Experience released I cleared off a little extra space and installed The Orange Box to the hard drive. The quietness of not having the DVD spinning plus the faster load times got me hooked. Yesterday I got my new drive and the transfer cable. I transferred all of my 20 GB drive to my new 60 GB drive and after waiting over an hour for the transfer to complete I immediately installed Gears of War 2 and Rock Band 2 to the hard drive. Neither of those games loads noticeably faster but they quietness of playing without the DVD drive spinning is nice. I never thought my 360 was very loud or anything, and even when I play other games I don’t notice the sound of the disc spinning. Yet, I do notice how quiet it is without the disc spinning…weird huh? If you have not tried installing a game to the hard drive yet I would recommend clearing a some of your older demos and videos off your hard drive and install your most played game. Not only will it most likely load a bit faster but the console will be quieter too. Just keep in mind that if you get hooked like I did you’re going to end up buying a new hard drive, but in my opinion it is money well spent.

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