Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Get Paid to Review my Posts?

I know some of you have questions about the little banner at the bottom of my posts (I got your notes) that mentions that you can get paid to review my posts. It looks like this:

After I wrote my Fuzion Frenzy 2 review, and started this blog, I was searching on Google to see if I could find someone to critique my review. I came across this site that said they would pay people to review my blog posts. Since writing has never been one of my strongest attributes I thought it might help people want to critique my post if they were getting paid to do it. I know I would tell someone else how bad their blog post was if they paid me to. So I signed up. To be honest, I’m not exactly sure where the money comes from because it does not cost me anything. I think they makes their money by having companies pay them to find people to review their products. I probably should look into that a little more.

Anyway, if you do review my one of my posts let me know how the process works. I’m interested to see how it works and how quickly you get paid. If I understood the terms correctly people who review one of my blog posts get paid $7.50.

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