Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Best Online Community Ever – AGE

I wanted to take a minute and mention AdultGamingEnthusiasts.com to everyone. The site is focussed around bring adult gamers together in a place where they can discuss games and organize groups of adult gamers to play together. The majority of the people on AGE are Xbox 360 owners, but there is a little something for every adult gamer out there. There are a couple of things that make AdultGamingEnthusiasts.com a great community. The first is that everyone there is an adult so we don’t have any of the teenage whining that has become so common on Xbox related forums. Instead there is some great discussion on new game releases, what game rental sites are best, and if Rainbow Six: Vegas or Gears of War is better.

Second, there are regularly scheduled Game Nights that allow adult gamers to get together and play on Xbox Live without having to interact with a bunch of little kids. There are a couple great benefits having adult only Game Nights. Everyone is a good sport. There is none of the racist or vulgar language you find in general public games. Also, since most everyone is an adult they have an adult lifestyle with kids, a job, and less time for gaming. This puts most of us on the same skill level so we’re not going up against a bunch of kids who have all the time in the world to master their games. All of these things combined to make Game Nights one of the best things about AGE. The current game night rotation is:
Mondays: GRAW2
Tuesdays: Gears of War
Wednesday: PGR3 (next week this will switch to Forza 2)
Thursday: Rainbow Six: Vegas
Friday: Co-op matches
Currently their is discussion going on where Shadowrun will fit into the rotation.

Third, there are frequent tournaments and leagues formed around specific games. We’ve had three round-robin Gears of War tournaments and a Gears of War league is starting up. A ten week Rainbow Six League, and a Rainbow Six: Vegas Tourney. There is another Rainbow Six: Vegas tourney scheduled for June 2nd. There is also a Tiger Woods 2007 ladder and a PGR3 ladder.

Overall, AdultGamingEnthusiasts.com is the best online community I’ve ever been a part of. If you’re into gaming and are an adult swing by sometime and check it out.

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