Shoot ‘Em Up Review
I saw Shoot ‘Em Up this past weekend because a few friends recommended I check it out. I will not be listening to their recommendations any more. Shoot ‘Em Up Sucks! I knew going into it that they intentionally had unrealistic fight sequences, but seriously no one can use a carrot as a knife (multiple times even). It is not sharp enough to break skin. Setting aside the really lame fight sequences and cheesy lines the real disappointment was that they tried to give the movie a plot. If you want to make a movie that has extremely unrealistic shooting scenes that is fine, but don’t try to pretend it is based around a story. I’m not going into a lot more detail about all the other reasons why Shoot ‘Em Up was bad. It still makes me cringe thinking about how bad it was. Just let this server as a warning for you. Don’t bother seeing Shoot ‘Em Up.