Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

XBLA Ratings

Well, I’ve been working on a side project I thought I’d share withe everyone. It is not done yet, but it is getting there.

XBLA Ratings

I found myself frustrated a while back with the lack of Xbox Live Arcade reviews that talk about if the game is fun or not. To me XBLA games are not about the graphics, sound quality, achievements, etc. Yes, those things factor in, but really I just want to know if I spend $5 of $10 on a game if it will be fun. If it worth the cost of a movie ticket or a lunch out? So, since I could not find any sites that rate Arcade titles by how fun they are I figured I’d make one.

Like I said it is not done yet, but it is getting there. Feel free to post a quick rating of your favorite (or least favorite) games and let everyone else know how fun they are.

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