Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

HAWX 2 Demo Impressions

About a year ago I played the first Tom Clancy’s HAWX and enjoyed it for the most part. A demo for the sequel,  Tom Clancy’s HAWX 2, came out and I finally got around to trying it today. They clearly wanted to use the demo to show off some of the new elements of the game like in flight refueling and taking off from an air craft carrier.  I think they went this route in the demo because the rest of the game is very similar to the original. The graphics look good, but then they did in HAWX as well. The flight controls are the same as in HAWX and it still has the two different camera styles.

Thinking specifically about the new stuff taking off from a air craft carrier was pretty fun.  Nothing especially hard about it, but it was fun.  Refueling in light was not nearly as fun.  It is was a 5 minute process to get lined up to refuel and if you are not fast enough then you fail and have to retry. It was really a pain in the butt. Getting behind the fuel plane was not to hard but because of the camera angle the last few meters is a real pain to accurately judge. Hopefully the full game has more air craft carrier type stuff and not a lot of refueling.

I think HAWX 2 is one of those games where if you like the first then you’ll probably enjoy the second as well, but if you were not then there is not enough new stuff to make HAWX 2 worth it.

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