Blog for the Boys


February 2010 Update

Hello Everyone, February has started out to be much better than January.  I am feeling 100% again and we haven’t been sick so far this month.  I think our first week of February made up for the lack of busyness we had in January. But before we get to that I forgot something in January.  […]

After a trim, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Before a trim

Before a trim, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

C is for Cookies

C is for Cookies, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Hello Everyone, Yes, we are still here. I know I am late but I actually have a valid excuse this time. I was sick for about a week and a half. Absolutely no fun. Praise God Andy and Jeremiah didn’t get it. Let’s just say I lost 9 lbs in the whole ordeal, but not […]

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