Blog for the Boys

Category: Uncategorized


IMG_5096, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

February 2011 Update

Ahhh, sigh.  Another month.  What was that last one called?  It went by way too fast.  As always a busy month. I am actually going to share the big news about me first (most of you already know).  I got my haircut.  I did Locks of Love, so at least 10 inches came off.  I […]

January 2010 Update

Happy New Year.  Still adjusting to 2011 here.  But what a great month we have had.  While all our friends are getting snow we seem to be getting rain.  We have had about 3/4 of our yearly rain fall so far and January is usually one of the rainiest months.  Rained us out of going […]

Clips from Jeremiah’s Birthday and Christmas

Playing in the leaves

IMG_4760, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

December 2010 Update

FOUR…What else do I say? Ok, really I have a lot to say as you all know.  Jeremiah turned 4 on the 6th.  He very much looks like a little man.  Most people are surprised that he is only 4.  We went to the doctor on the 7th and found out he is 42″ (which […]

I Am Batman

IMG_4732, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

At the Christmas Boat Parade

IMG_4721, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Legos with Tricky Nich and Smelly Mel

IMG_4701, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

I Made Cookies!

IMG_4392, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

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