Blog for the Boys

February 2011 Update

Ahhh, sigh.  Another month.  What was that last one called?  It went by way too fast.  As always a busy month.

I am actually going to share the big news about me first (most of you already know).  I got my haircut.  I did Locks of Love, so at least 10 inches came off.  I did not realize how long it had gotten until Andy took a “before” picture.  I really like it, but have had to re-learn how to wash it and style it.  I think Jeremiah was about 6 months old the last time it was even close to this short.

Now on to who you really want to know about…the booger boy.  Probably the biggest news on his front is he is ready to go to preschool.  He informed me in the car one day “Mommy, it is ok if you want to drop me off at school sometime.”  So I decided we had better start looking.  I am pretty sure he will start in the Fall through the city program.  It looks great.  It is 3 times a week and we are hoping to get mornings.  Not too far from our house either.  He wants to go to the one by the library because it has a castle 🙂 Priorities you know!  Hard to believe I am thinking preschool already (I know he IS 4).

We also started a co-op preschool. It meets once a week, right before the music class we go to.  There are 6 kids and the moms take turns teaching.  I wasn’t sure how it would go considering the first week Jeremiah would not even tell them his name.  But I think he just wanted to take everything in and see how it worked (exactly like his mommy!).  The second week he participated some and then last week I taught and he was full on into it!  It has been good (aka teaching him to sit still for a while!).

We have of course been running around enjoy (mostly) sunny California.  We had a 2 minute downpour a few minutes ago – It was real rain!  We decided to do a quick last minute trip to the Safari Park the end of January and went today before the rain started.  We also went to the teacher store for their Science Fair Day.  Jeremiah had a lot of fun digging for dinosaurs and making “snow”.  He discovered a microscope and thinks that is pretty cool, but he was really fascinated by the puppet stage (another of his requirements for a preschool).  We also convinced the Martas so get us into the SeaLife Aquarium at Legoland last week (for a discounted price!!).  The kids has a blast and got to see the scuba diver again and play with Legos.  We had Kris’ birthday in January and Reece’s birthday party on Monday, so don’t worry the parties have continued! Jeremiah wore 3 different costumes during Reece’s party.  He loved it.

Jeremiah was really excited about Valentine’s this year.  He loved giving out the cards. Daddy got at least 2 and I got 3 or 4, all before Valentines.  And we could “open them now, it’s ok.” He hates to wait to open things!!  Of course we made Grandma Merrill’s Valentine cookies to give our to friends, which we actually found out Great-Grandma Shultz used to make.  My hand still hurts from piping all the names on them.  I got Jeremiah a stuffed animal for Valentine’s while he was with me the other day.  He was convinced it was for Daddy, so on Monday morning he came bringing it down to him.  He was quite surprised it was actually his.  One of my former students came and watched Jeremiah on Monday night so we could go out.  She now knows everything you need to know about Batman, Peter Pan and Robin Hood.  I am pretty sure he talked to her the whole time!Our friend Hannah had her baby, so Jeremiah got to hold his first baby (that he remembers).  He was sooo excited about it and had been talking about it for months.  I put him in Jeremiah’s arms and Jeremiah got stiff.  About 20 seconds later the baby started kicking and Jeremiah says “I think he wants off”.  And he was done.  He now says he is not holding the baby until “Isaac and Reece have their baby” (It is actually their mom having the baby, but in his mind they are having it.) So we will see.

On random notes: I went to the dentist about a week ago and Jeremiah was almost in tears because he wanted to have his appointment.  Who’s child is this?  Actually the hygienist gives him a toy or two and a sticker when he goes, so I think that is the real reason!  But she gave him one for my appointment so he was fine with that.

He is really starting to process things and think of others, which I love.  I had a headache the other night and he brought me his rice bag from his lamb Grandma Merrill made. (Usually I use it on my back not my head, but good thought)  Then later that day I hit my elbow, he went upstairs and brought me a band-aid.  I could not figure out why he had a band-aid at first, but it was so sweet.

But don’t worry, he is not too sweet.  He hit his friend last week because he accidentally broke his stick.  Needless to say we were done at the park.  He was not happy to leave and we were talking about it on the way home.  Then he says, “Mom, I probably should have just broke the stick into 3 pieces and given one to Isaac, one to Reece and one to me.  That probably would have been a better idea.”  What do you say to that?  “Yes, that is true,” was all I could say.  When Andy talked to him later about hitting he says.  “I know Dad, but I figured out what I should have done”.  Can you be an upset and proud mom at the same time?

And yes he is still being silly.  Grandpa Caughell sent him the silly “hillbilly” teeth (3 pairs).  He wore one of them EVERY day until it ripped almost in half and we had to throw it away.  He cried SO hard because he wanted the silver ones not the gold ones!  I finally convinced him if he asked Grandpa would probably send him more.  (Better start looking now Grandpa)

He still loves to sing and now he has figured out how to hum.  Today at the Safari Park he hummed “Robin Hood and Little John” as we were walking down the road.  He also decided after church last Sunday, we needed to sing another song.  I told him he could and he started belting out “Angels We Have Heard on High”.  Interesting choice.

Right now the pirates are on the boat (the couch) throwing cannonballs (a black beach ball) at each other.  I am sure the sword fighting will start soon. The cave had to come down so I guess we are on to our next make believe adventure.  I am sure he will be jumping off the steps  – I mean flying off the steps – like Peter Pan here in a minute.  Never a dull moment when Jeremiah is awake.  Oh, so peaceful when he is asleep!

Enjoy the rest of your February!  I am sure it will seem like no time at all until I am writing again.


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