Blog for the Boys

May Update

May, really?  Birthday and Mother’s Day have passed, can it really be?  Time has to start slowing down, because I am pretty sure I can’t go any faster.  Jeremiah on the other hand goes faster and faster each day.  How is that fair?  I guess that is probably why people say life is not fair.

We have had a fun and busy month and this next one looks even busier!  Let’s see after I wrote last we went to the Wild Animal Park to see the butterfly exhibit.  Jeremiah was glad no butterflies landed on his head this year.  He liked looking at them, but didn’t want them on him.  Since this was a special event we didn’t do our “normal” trip through the park.  So we took in the bird show.  As we were sitting, a couple birds flew right over our heads.  But the highlight for Jeremiah was two rats that ran out one hole across a log and into another hole.  So now everything has been that he has “seen rats in our house”.  It was a bird show!!  Oh no, the rats won out.  He also went into a bird enclosure that he has refused to go into for the longest time.  I guess the power of peer pressure was at work.  The other kids were even feeding the birds. Jeremiah didn’t want to feed them, but I was glad he went in.

Jeremiah also went to the dentist and got his teeth cleaned this month.  He did a FABULOUS job.  He was eager to get into the chair and did a great job opening his mouth for the hygienist.  He was a little distracted “brushing” the stuffed horse’s teeth, but that is what you get for giving him a stuffed animal while you are working on his teeth.  He was excited to have chocolate mint polish.  We had talked before hand that he was not to swallow the fluoride if they did that.  Well, she had to go get the fluoride and hadn’t rinsed the polish out.  All of a sudden his eyes got wide and he says “Mommy, I swallow it”.  I told him it was ok because it was just the polish.  But he was VERY careful not to swallow the fluoride when it was on his teeth.  He did great and got stickers and a transformer car.  He loved it!

Our friends the Gailey’s live on a ranch.  It is a campground/camp/recovery center.  Anyway they have animals there, so we were invited to go see the animals.  Jeremiah would have been content staying and playing with Greta’s toys but we convinced him to go see the horses and feed the ducks.  After we got into the somewhat enclosed pin where the horses sometimes roam, we had quite the adventure.  Some of the staff did not realize the horses were out and proceeded to bring two donkeys into the same enclosure.  The craziness that proceeded I thought was going to scar Jeremiah forever!  The horses (2 large and 3 miniature horses) started to stampede the donkeys, who broke loose from the people who were holding them.  They figured out a way to get out through the bushes and half of the horses went with them.  It was crazy (and fun) but Jeremiah was done.  Once things in our area calmed down a little we went to see the goats and sheep (who had 18 babies!) and emus.   This was much more calm, until the pigs started squealing and tried to escape their area.   I did not know one trip to the ranch would hold so much excitement!  On our way to the ducks the horses had calmed down (and the donkeys were back in their cage) so we were able to give them carrots.  Jeremiah would not let them eat from his hand, but he would break the carrot and lay it in front of them.  Much better than I thought he was going to do around the horses, especially after our first experience with them.  Duck feeding and playing on the playground were much less exciting!

We also decided to celebrate Earth Day this year.  Well, the rainy weather kind of decided for us.  We went to the Disney store with a BUNCH of water bottle and all got recycled hats in exchange for our bottles.  Of course the kids were quick to put the hats on and look at all of the toys.  There is a picture of our “gang” of friends at the bottom.

We also went to watch my friend Connie’s son & nephew play baseball.  Jeremiah loved the first inning and a half.  Then he was done.  It was hard to see from where we sat on the bleachers, but he got to see Brandon & Dakota bat.  Good thing we ate supper there or he never would have lasted the 2 innings he did.  He does want to go back and see another game though.  EVERY time we go past the park (which is quite often since it is about 2 blocks away) he informs me that is where Brandon played.

We also went to the Air and Space Museum and Car Museum.  They are free the last Tuesday of the month, so it makes it much easier to go for an hour or so to them.  Jeremiah loved looking at everything with Isaac and Reece.  There are great picture on the blog of him in the helicopter and on a motorcycle.  He looks a little too comfortable!  We also went to a “new” park (new to us).  Of course the best thing there was the pile of wood chips that had not been spread out under the swings yet.  Who needs playground equipment.

For my birthday we went to Bubba Gump’s in Anaheim then to walk through the shops at Downtown Disney.  They sang and made me “shake my bottom” so I could have ice cream at Bubba Gump’s.  Jeremiah thought this was the funniest thing in the world.  I think he would have peed himself laughing had he not just gone.  He loved the Lego store and Disney store at Downtown Disney.  He was not ready to go home and almost cried – proof that the child still needs a 2 1/2 hour nap a day.  He made a wish list of Legos he wants for Christmas.  Andy and Jeremiah made me a cake for my birthday, so we were good on sweets.

Mother’s Day was very low key and after typing all of this I know why.  We were a lot busier than I thought.  That doesn’t include all our normal running around.  I had breakfast in bed, which Jeremiah also thought was hilarious.  Then we went to church and lunch and I napped.

Yesterday we went to the Zoo in San Diego.  We HAD to ride the Sky Ride, but when I asked that wasn’t Jeremiah’s favorite thing to do.  His favorite was sitting in the helicopter.  They have added to the Polar Bear Exhibit and they have a helicopter people can sit in.  His favorite animal he saw was the “baby” gorilla.  It is probably 2 years old, but was a lot smaller than the others.  He thought it was funny it snitched some leaves from another gorilla and ate them.  He also went over and cuddled with a gorilla and then gave it a hug.  So cute!

The last thing that happened this month was that Jeremiah grew 3/8 of an inch. We are hoping that is why the grumpy, moody child appeared several times this month.  That is the most he has grown for a while.  He is still a jabber box and loves to tell stories and sing.  So that remains the same.  Oh and how can I forget…he LOVES to ask questions.  How many times can you answer why before you go insane?

Kort, Greta, Me, Reece, Isaac, Charlie & Joshua

Ok, that was a lot!  Hope things are going well with all of you!


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  1. Wow!! Snds like a crazy buzy month!! Fun times though and tons of memories!! I love all of the pics of him and his football…that so needs to continue throughout his life…well, especially at least once a year as he gets older!! hehehe!! Miss you guys, but we should hang out soon!! ~Becca~

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