Blog for the Boys

August Update

So July did prove to be less busy, but we still found plenty to do.  I think we just pushed everything it all into a week and a half.

The first of the month was spent at parks and enjoying some rather cool weather.  We have really had only 3 days in the 90s this summer, so it hasn’t felt like summer.  Great for our electrical bill though. The weather has been more like May or June, pretty weird.  We did however find a few days that got warm enough to swim (as long as the pool was heated).  Jeremiah loves the water.  After Jamaica he has had no problem putting his head under.  I talked with a lady from church who used to teach swim classes and got some pointer.  We went to our pool and within a half hour he was swimming between Andy and I about 6 feet – under water!  He even had Andy take him to the 4 foot section and push him underwater so he could push off of the bottom and come up.  So we went to a friends pool a couple Fridays ago and I decided to see how far he could go.  He pushed off of the steps and swam underwater a good 12 feet before he brought himself up.  He had 2 more strokes to the other side of the pool and wasn’t flailing at all, so I had him go the rest of the way (I was within a foot of him from about 6 feet on).  He came up and had held his breath the whole time, but immediately started crying because it scared him.  I felt horrible, but at the same time was very proud and a little glad he has some fear of water now.  He was much more hesitant to do it this Thursday, but he did and got almost as far.  He had an audience this time so the crying continued after each swim, but I think that was more for show and sympathy.  So we have a swimmer.  We often have warm weather into October, so maybe it will be warm enough to use our pool then.

Our friend Joshua turned 1 this month.  Jeremiah was so excited to go to his birthday party.  Other than the bubbles in the eyes he had a great time.  Auntie Katie and Carlo came down for the day so he didn’t have to take a nap.  Which he loved!  However, it proves the child does still need a nap, because he was grumpy the next day!  So no more “Baby Joshua”, good thing we have a lot more babies at our church and several more on the way!  (No not us!)  Jeremiah wants a baby and we keep telling him he has to get married first. So he has settled with taking care of his baby monkey, Natalie.  By the way since Uncle Nich and Aunt Mel are married now, I am pretty sure he thinks they have a baby on the way.

We went to the Zoo twice this month and the Wild Animal Park once.  I so LOVE those memberships – best deal I have found.  One time we went to the Zoo at “night”.  They have different shows set up in the evening during the summer.  We watched the bird show, where the bird took the money donations and stuffed them in a box – the acrobats, with the lady who did the rings – and the Splash animals painting.  Jeremiah loved all of them but I realized this week when he wanted to paint which one he liked best.  The lady who we saw paints to music and it is choreographed.  She uses her hands and when she uses a brush flings the extra paint off of it behind her.  That is what Jeremiah wanted to do.  Luckily she painted outside and I could convince him the kitchen was not the place to splash paint around.  I do think he used his hands a little, but I will take that over splattered paint all over my kitchen

We went to our church’s beach baptism a couple of weeks ago.  Jeremiah had a blast playing in the sand with the kids.  I still do not understand how sand get everywhere and we didn’t even get in the water!  It was our first time at the beach for quite a while.  With water temperature at 63-65 degrees, it doesn’t rank up there as one of the things I want to do.  I am very proud of those that got baptized in the cold water.

Jeremiah completed his summer reading program from the library this month.  We are waiting to see if he wins the drawing.  He has the last 2 years, what are the odds!  He did get to go to the mall this week and get his free pretzel.  He went to get clothes upstairs so we could go and came down with long sleeves and long pants (it has been cool, but not THAT cool).  He told me his pants needed to have pockets and these were the only ones he could find.  We went back up and found shorts with pockets and he stuffed his coupon in his pocket.  He was so proud as he walked up to the counter.  He put the coupon on it and said “I want a pretzel with salt and cheese”.  I think maybe we have gotten a few too many pretzels.  He did actually share with me and Joshua, so that was really nice.

He often sounds just like me – not sure how I feel about hearing myself talk.  Let me preface this by saying we went to the dentist yesterday, so I could get my teeth cleaned…Ok.  So last night he is in bed and we hear through the monitor  “DADDAY!”  What?  “Will you remind me in the morning to brush my teeth, cause sometimes I forget?  So will you remind me?” Ok, go to sleep.  A few minutes later “DADDAY” What “I have a new song I am going to sing to you in the morning.  I just remembered it”  Ok, go to sleep.  So about 11:00 this morning I am telling mom this story.  Jeremiah looks at me with wide eyes and says “Mommy, is it still morning?”  Yes.  “Ok I going to go brush my teeth”.  He is a funny boy!

In other news, he grew 1/4 of an inch this month – 41 1/4 inches now.  Not sure about the weight, he hasn’t wanted to do Wii lately.  Too busy riding his new tricycle daddy got him (and didn’t tell mommy he was going to – surprise) and trying to jump his scooter.  Probably not the best thing to do to let him watch some skateboarding during the X Games last weekend.  Maybe he will only think it is on TV like a video game – yeah right.  We live in Southern California.  He will figure it out.

We are about to embark on underwear 24 hours a day.  He has done great wearing his underwear to nap and not having any accidents.  It helps that he likes the fact he can get out of bed to go.  So if he can’t fall asleep fast he goes to the bathroom 2 or 3 times.  He has had more problems being a little wet when he is awake.  So we will see how full time underwear goes.  I think that will officially make him a big boy.  At least I can still convince him he is my baby boy and get a few cuddles.  I will milk that as long as I can!

One last note, I gave in and got facebook this month.  So if you are on and I haven’t found you please find me.  I am not sure what I think about it.  Some people share a WHOLE lot and others I think use it like I am – just to be nosy and see what and where people are.  I have reconnected with my old college roommate and tons of camp friends, so that has been super fun!  Now not to get too addicted.

So here we are in August.  What all will it entail?  Who knows.


P.S. Thanks to those who voted for Jeremiah for Chick-fil-a.  He got 60 votes, but the top 10 have between 275 and 1150 votes.  I don’t think I know that many people.  We had fun though.

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