Blog for the Boys

March Update


It is March Madness, but not just on the basketball court (although we are rooting for the San Diego State Aztecs! – most we have watched NCAA in a long time).  Life has been crazy here.  There is just so much going on.  Everyone keeps saying wait until your kids are in school, but I can’t even imagine how busy it will be then.  Just a lot of STUFF.  First off, for those of you who didn’t hear – the tsunami was not a big deal here in San Diego County.  The waves were only 2-3 feet higher than normal, but we did stay away from the beach.

February held another trip to the Zoo.  This time the big cats were very active and a cheetah on a leash walked right beside us.  The picture is NOT zoomed in that is how close it was.  We also got to see the panda bear moving around and the otter swimming right by us.  A great day at the Zoo!

Jeremiah had a great time celebrating Dr. Seuss’ Birthday – I think he did 3 different celebrations and heard Green Eggs and Ham at each one.  🙂  He loves Dr. Seuss books.  I taught the co-op preschool class that week and we made green eggs and had ham (no the ham wasn’t green).  Fun times.

We also discovered Jeremiah is NOT allergic to tree nuts, like I am.  At least we were able to do it in a controlled environment.  A friend of ours had a birthday and had carrot cake.  He wanted to eat it and we fed him the nuts and watched him.  All was good.  It is a relief to me.  On a funny note it must have been the first adult birthday party he remembers, because as we were getting ready to leave he asked where his goodie bag was. 🙂  I just quietly pushed him out the door and we spent most of the drive home explaining the difference.  Luckily it started to hail, so he got distracted.

We had a BIG winter storm hit the county the last weekend of February.  We had hail on our back patio and places just north of us had their back yards looking like ice ponds.  We were supposed to go up to
Palomar Mountain (about an hour away) and play in the snow that weekend, but because of the warnings of low snow level, need of chains and low visibility we didn’t go.  They got somewhere between 15-20in. in the higher elevations and when we went to church the next day we could see snow way down into the foothills.  You could see it from Jeremiah’s window, which is not common at all.  It was so pretty though.

So after watching the weather and the weather cam on the mountain we decided to go up the next weekend.  As we drove up to our friend’s cabin, we didn’t see any snow.  But when we got over the crest there appeared to be enough for the kids to play in.  However when we got to the cabin there was TONS of snow there – probably a good 6 inches with some drifts closer to 10 in.  It was perfect – the roads were clear and it was about 50 degrees.  Jeremiah went sledding a little bit but his favorite was throwing snowballs!!!  They build up a “fort” and he hid behind it.  Then he used a stump as his fort.  We played in the morning ate lunch and played in the cabin and then went back out for a little while.  It was a GREAT day.

Our friends the Marta’s had baby number 3 this month!!  Silas was born on the 9th.  We got to see him a couple days after.  Jeremiah was more excited to see Isaac and Reece than the baby, but is still excited for them.  He now thinks every baby is a boy (or at least should be a boy).  Not sure if we will convince him Cousin Mabel is a girl (she is due to make her appearance the end of May) and we don’t know if Ben & Heather are having a girl or a boy in April.  Babies, babies everywhere!!! (but not here).

We had a friend of ours stay with us a couple nights.  He was deployed to Japan and left Japan literally hours before the earthquake and tsunami.  He needed a place for a few nights and was here Sunday through Tuesday.  Jeremiah LOVED having company.  It was hard to convince him Jeff was here to rest and relax and not here to play with him.  He is quite the little host – if only we could get him to be quieter.

I think Jeremiah is finally over whatever cold thing was lingering.  He had about 2 weeks where he was sniffly, but nothing was coming out and then it turned into a cough.  Once again, just a nagging little thing.  The worst part was he felt good enough to run around and play, which made the cough worse!  Oh the cycle.  Now it only appears when he is running hard.

Jeremiah is still growing, but hasn’t actually gained weight for a while.  He is just shy of 3ft. 7in. and still weighs right around 45lbs.  He is actually in the 92nd percentile now for weight (it used to be 97+, for the longest time 99th) and is around 86th for height, so he is evening out.  I am pretty sure we will have to get all new clothes for summer this year!

He dressed himself the other day.  He came into the bathroom first with jeans on and his pj top and knight costume, then he came in with a button up shirt, because he wanted to “look handsome” that day.  Mommy is also the hero, she made a Peter Pan shirt and hat this month.  It can probably double as a Robin Hood one too!  But I took too long finding the green shirt.  One of the weeks he was coughing he stayed home while I went to bible study.  He played in his room so Andy could work.  When I came home, he proudly announced that he had made a Peter Pan shirt.  Daddy didn’t even know!  He had cut one of his green shirts down the collar, just like Peter Pan.  Luckily it was one that was getting small, but what can you say, when you gave him scissors to do a craft with.  Maybe this is why he doesn’t play upstairs by himself very often.  🙂

In the last several months Jeremiah has started telling jokes.  His favorites are knock, knock ones.  But the other night Daddy taught him “Pete and Repeat are in a boat”.  He thought it was soooo funny and couldn’t wait to tell me.   Well, we figured out yesterday he has NO idea what the punch line means and doesn’t want to repeat it like you are supposed to.  It was quite humorous.  He has now changed it to oranges and lemons are on a boat and laughs hysterically at that one, even though it makes no sense to us.

He is still a fan of singing and reading books.  Legos has continued to be a big interest of his.  I am the official “find the pieces” person.  But if I find them for him he will put them together without very much help.  He loves the details!!  He has started drawing people now too.

All games somehow come back to Peter Pan, Robin Hood or Pirates.  So we are keeping busy keeping up with him.

He is constantly thinking and trying to figure things out.  Aunt Peggy sent me some dishes in the mail the other day.  He went to pick one up and I told him not to and I would not be ok if it broke.  He just looked and me and said “Which ones would you be ok with, if they broke?”.  None, but he was trying to figure out his best bet which ones he could touch and I not care about.  Oh my, I often think of his future teachers and pray for them now!!!

So that was our month!  Or at least the highlights of Jeremiah’s month.  Hope you have a great rest of March and enjoy some SPRING!!


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