Blog for the Boys

1 Month with Mal

I cannot believe Malachi is one month old (well technically one month & 5 days!)  We had a great time with all of the family who came out & helped.  I really am not sure how we would have managed without everyone!!  I will try to answers some of the most Frequently Asked Questions (before the hungry baby wakes up, again).

We are doing very well adjusting to being a family of 4.  Malachi is a pretty laid back baby & I feel really blessed about that.  He HATES being cold & so he hates baths.  We hear his screams the most during bath time.  He is not very patient when he is hungry & lets us know that.  But most of the time he is content to eat, sleep, poop (that is not very quiet either) & just look at everything.  He makes all kinds of noise & it seems like he is responding to you.  He had a little bit of a hard time gaining weight, but we are back on track now.  He would have rather had awake time & then nap than eat. We had a weight check today & he was 9 lbs 13 oz & 23 inches long. He is a strong one.  Already holding his head up & moving to see what is going on – usually looking for any type of light or to see where his big brother is.

Jeremiah is such a great big brother.  He loves to talk to Malachi.  He will hold Malachi, but only when the time is good for him.  Jeremiah has been super helpful getting stuff for us, but has decided he draws the line at throwing away dirty diapers.  He now has a deal worked out with Andy that he will throw them away for $.10 each.  So he is being quite the entrepreneur.

We have gotten pretty good at going places now.  I am almost feeling back to normal after the csection.  Once I am cleared to lift everything again we will be good.  This time took a little longer to heal, but I also had the staples in longer & had a reaction to them.  But I am doing pretty well now.  We were blessed by many ladies at our church who brought us meals.  The last one came today, so we are back to reality starting…well when all the leftovers are finished.  Sooo much good food.

I had to share the Bill Cosby face…it was just too funny.




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  1. I LOVE his shirt and tie!! 🙂

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