Blog for the Boys

Mustache Face

Mustache Face, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Typical Saturday

Here are some clips from a typical crazy Saturday. Reading, riding & stomping…while wearing a pirate outfit.

Rodeo Cowboy

Rodeo Cowboy, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

May Update

May, really?  Birthday and Mother’s Day have passed, can it really be?  Time has to start slowing down, because I am pretty sure I can’t go any faster.  Jeremiah on the other hand goes faster and faster each day.  How is that fair?  I guess that is probably why people say life is not fair. […]

More Riding

IMG_2648, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. He doesn’t need the helmet (which is too big) but he insists on wearing it so he can do jumps.

A New Friend

IMG_2617, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Slightly Scared…

IMG_2627, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Vader was talking and he did not like that, but before he heard the talking he was really excited.

Our Pirate

IMG_2604, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.


IMG_2595, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. If his legs were a little longer I’d be concerned that he would try to drive it.


IMG_2590, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Just what I need, him thinking he can fly helicopters now.

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