Blog for the Boys

I like noodles

DSC09367 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Jeremiah has been taking a lot of pictures with Grandpa Merrill’s camera. Here is one of the ones he took yesterday. To see the rest of what he shot head over here:

Murfy and Me

Murfy and Me Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Tool Belt

Tool Belt Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Wearing my new toolbelt


Watermelon Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. I like watermelon

Tractor Time

Tractor Time Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Jeremiah driving Grandpa’s tractor

Feeding Ice

Feeding Ice Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Jeremiah feeding “ice tea” to Murphy.


Sitting Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Jeremiah playing with his popper and doggie.


Water Pistol Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Jeremiah playing with a squirt gun at Kallin’s party. By the time we left he was pretty good about shooting it at whoever was right in from of him.

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