Blog for the Boys

My Chair

My Chair Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Sitting in my chair on the porch

Driving Grandpa’s Semi

Driving Grandpa’s Semi Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Grandpa let me “drive” his semi and I really liked it.


Oops. Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. I had lots of fun in the pool today except when I sat down in the water. I was under a second or two before Dad pulled me up. I thought it was funny but I did cough a little water out. It did not stop me from trying […]

Lots of swimming today

Lots of swimming today Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Ready to Swim

Ready to Swim Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Here is Jeremiah ready to swim and making his “cheese” face for pictures. He is officially not afraid of the water at all. There is a sitting ledge around one side of the pool he likes to walk around and jump off of. He is suppose to […]

Eating Watermelon

Eating Watermelon Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Nothing like a nice big piece of watermelon for breakfast

Reading with Emma

Reading with Emma Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. We’re having a lot of fun on vacation with the Furlongs. Here is Jeremiah and Emma reading books together.

Jeremiah hugging the elephant Jeremiah watering the garden

Jeremiah just woke up and his hair is looking great.

Jeremiah playing with his new train

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