Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Heavy Weapon Review

Despite my previous complaints about Xbox Live Arcade it does have some games that are fun to play. Heavy Weapon is one of these games. My review of Heavy Weapon is going to be pretty short and simple. The more people playing the more fun the game is. I tried out the demo by myself and it was ok, but not so fun that I was going to buy it. A couple days later I had a friend over who likes gaming, but is not that good at the games I’m currently playing (Gears of War and Rainbow Six: Vegas). I remembered that Heavy Weapon had co-op support and thought he might like it. So, we started playing and had a blast.

The next day I was playing online with three random players trying to get the Achievement for staying a live 15 minutes. With 4 of us playing it was not too hard. We did learn an important lesson. Always save at least a nuke so that if there is only one guy left alive he can use them while the other people re-spawn. The game only ends if all 4 people die at the same time. So, by saving a couple nukes, if three people go out the last person should be able to stay alive long enough to get everyone back alive. It can greatly increase the how long one can make in a survival type game. I had a lot of fun playing with three random players in survival mode.

The controls are simple and the end bosses are reminiscent of the side shooters I played as a kid. I give the game one thumb up playing it alone, but two thumbs up playing with two or more people.

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