Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Gyruss Mini Review

I decided to set aside my anti-retro bias and give Gyruss a try today. Gyruss is essentially a Galaga clone. The only real difference is that instead of moving along the bottom you move in a circle around the edge facing the middle of the screen. Like Galaga waves of enemies come on screen and you have to shoot them to save Earth. Even at 400 points, $5, I’m still disappointed with Gyruss. I’m a big fan of Galaga style games, but when I play them I expect them to have decent graphics. Gyruss has both the original and enhanced graphics for all 23 levels, but I don’t really see a big difference with the enhanced graphics. The games controls are really simple. You move with the left thumb stick or D-pad and shoot with the A button. I wish they had made it so I could also use the right trigger to shoot because after a couple levels repeatedly hitting the A button tires out the thumb. The addition of 2 player co-op and verses over Xbox Live is a nice addition, but at this point in XBLA games it is to be expected. Nothing to special here, but like most of the other retro titles if you’re a big fan of games from the 80’s this is right up your alley.

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