Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Halo 2 Blastacular Map Pack Released

So, Bungie released a couple new Halo 2 maps today. I figure anyone interested in these maps already knows all about them, but it not you can get more info here. Personally, I’m not going to pick up these 2 maps. I don’t see a reason. I quit playing Halo 2 over a year ago. I did not even know people were still playing Halo 2. I guess if one has not been able to get an Xbox 360 yet, but they still have their Xbox they might still be playing Halo 2. Other than that I don’t see anyone else playing Halo 2. I looked through my friends list (all 97 gamertags) and none of them have played Halo 2 in months. So, Bungie can’t be releasing these maps because they expect to make a lot of money of off them. At $4, yes $2 per map, it seems expensive for a game that has been out for almost 2 and a half years. Why are they even still spending time making maps for Halo 2? Shouldn’t they be focusing on getting Halo 3 finished? If anyone buys these maps post what you think of them in the comments.

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