Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

DiRT Demo Review

I’m not sure why I thought I should try the demo for DiRT. After trying the Forza 2 demo I was very quickly reminded of how badly I suck at racing games. I gave the DiRT demo a try anyway and found that I’m better at it than I am at Forza 2. I can at least make it around the track…on the easiest setting at least. I tried all three of the available cars and found that I stink with all of them. The game itself looks great, but I was a little disappointed with how little my car would get dammaged when I run it into a wall. Yes, there was some damage to both the car and the many obstacles I hit, but with all the times I hit stuff going full speed my car should have wrecked long before I got through the two laps. Maybe it was because I suck at racing games, but to me it felt like the cars were really light. I’d try to slide around a corner and end up spinning 270 degrees; even if I just tap the hand brake. Oh well, at least I don’t have to try and make time for racing games in my busy schedule.

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