Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Portal Impressions

I finally got my hands on a copy of The Orange Box this week and the first thing I decided to check out was Portal because all of the people on my friends list have been raving about it. After playing through the main levels twice I can definitely see what everyone was so excited about. The game is a blast. Besides the fun of playing through the levels and beating the puzzles it is also a lot of fun to just play around in the levels and see how high you can get yourself to fly. No spoilers here on how it ends, but the last level of the game is one of the best levels I’ve played in a long time. If you have not tried Portal yet go rent/borrow a copy of The Orange Box and try it. It is only about 3 hours to beat the whole game, but it is some of the best 3 hours you’ll ever have. If anyone hears any news about an expansion or Portal 2 please let me know because that it would be great to hear more Portal is coming.

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