Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Playing Misc Stuff

I know I’ve been quiet around here lately, but I’ve been busy with XBLA & XNA Ratings as well as playing a little of a lot of games. This last week I’ve played Crystal Defenders, Peggle, Gears of War 2 (Horde mode is so addicting), Rock Band 2, Halo Wars, and Gold’s Gym on the Wii. Once I spend some more time with Hao Wars and Gold’s Gym I’ll get posts up about them, but apparently I’m a little gaming ADD right now. I’ll get it under control and get back to some regular posts next week.

In the meantime I’m giving away a copy of Uno Rush on XBLA Ratings. There are a couple days left in the contest so you still have time to enter. Good Luck!

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