Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

1 vs 100 Beta Impressions

I was planning on playing Red Faction: Guerrilla all weekend and while I did play it some I got side tracked playing the 1 vs 100 Beta on the Xbox 360 Primetime Channel a lot. I play first during the 2 hour play on Friday night by myself. Well, my wife was sitting there with me but she was not as much help as I had hoped (don’t tell her I said that). I really had a lot of fun trying to get into the Mob or to be the One. I spent the whole night in the Crowd but it still was really fun to try and get a high score and keep a streak of correct answers going. The pace of the game was ok, but it could be a little bit faster. Still, with almost 100,000 people playing at the same time over Xbox Live in the beta it ran remarkable smooth.

After that I joined an Xbox Live party with a couple friends and played in the E3 Questions Extended Play. In the Extended Play there is no One or Crowd. Everyone is in the Mob trying to get high scores. The Extended Play was a lot of fun trying to keep my score higher than my friends. Also, it is much faster paced since there is no One to wait on. In 30 minutes of Extended Play there were 37 questions that got progressively harder. I also liked that if you get a streak going in Extended Play you can earn the ability to skip a question you don’t know to keep your streak going. I also played in the General Questions Extended Play Sunday afternoon with a party of 6 to 8 friends over Live. It was a blast playing with a group of friends who where helping each other but also trying to throw in a few false answers to mess up each other.

I’m not sure that I’ll be playing this every time it is on or anything but when the full game launches I’m sure I will play it at least occasionally with some friends. The lure of prizes is to strong and the game is too fun. The only thing keeping me from playing it regularly will be when they have the shows scheduled. Since you only win prizes in Live shows it will depend on my schedule if I can play frequently or not.

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