Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Indie Game Playing Tonight

I had a couple hours tonight with no serious plans so I decided to play some Xbox Live Indie Games. I started off playing some Horn Swaggle Island. If you missed my post about it before it is a pirate themed tower defense game. I wish it had an option to control the speed because at times it is slow as I wait for the enemies to work their way across. I figured out a solid strategy that I can adapt to pretty much all of the maps so I’ve been working through them pretty quickly. The only real difficulty is getting the turrets setup for the map layout. Then it is waiting for the waves to arrive and upgrading. I played 6 maps tonight and I probably should have stopped after 3 or 4 because the last couple I was having less fun. Mostly because it was starting to feel repetitive. I still plan to finish the last couple maps but I need a break from tower defense for a while.

Fortunately, after getting done with the 10th map I saw a lot of people posting on twitter about a newly released game called I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1. Yes, that is really the titles of the game. But, don’t let the name throw you off. It is a really fun game. It was made by Jamezila who also developed Dishwasher: Dead Samurai on Xbox Live Arcade. The game is a two-stick shooter (like Geometry Wars) where you are shooting at waves of zombies. I generally stink at these type of games, but I was doing pretty well. The song that plays is really funny and the game play was fun. There are a bunch of different weapons and power-ups. Personally, I like the flamethrower and shotgun. The waves of zombies, and the lights, tie in with the music and make it even better. The screenshot does not really do justice to how much fun this game is. It has 4 player local co-op and for a $1 I’m not going to complain that there is not co-op over Live. But Live co-op would have been really sweet. Even without it you should still check this game out. I’d pay $1 for just the song let alone a really fun game.

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