Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Wii Fit Plus Review

Both my wife and I have been using Wii Fit for over a year now so when Wii Fit Plus released this week for $20 I decided to pick up a copy.  Monday afternoon I unwrapped it and through it in our Wii and our son proceed to play all the new games for about an hour. He was instantly a big fan of the new snowball fighting game.  I actually got a chance to start checking it out later on Monday and I was instantly impressed with how well they streamlined getting into the activities and setting up routines.

The new activities they have added are pretty decent. There are some new strength exercises and yoga poses as well as a dozen new balance and rhythm games.  Some of them are more advanced versions of existing ones while others are are completely new. Overall they are a nice addition to the game and add a good amount of variety to the existing items.  Also, some of the activities now add a 2 person mode where you take turns doing the activity to compete against another person.  My son and I have been having a blast going back and forth trying to outdo each others scores in the new snowball fight game.  It it you use your WiiMote sort of like a light gun and then lean left and right to move into and out of cover.  It actually makes me really hope that they make a Virtua Cop or Time Crisis for the Wii that supports the Balance Board because it is a lot of fun.

The new Workout Routines are a welcome addition.  It makes it easy to streamline the workout process.  You no longer have to go to the menu and pick the next activity after each exercise.  Instead you can pick a pre-made plan or setup your own.  Then, the game automatically moves you from one activity to the next without having to go to the menu.  The pre-made routines let you choose what you want your workout to focus on and for how long it should last.  It saves a lot of time that was previously wasted when using WiiFit for a regular workout routine.

If you have a Wii Balance Board and Wii Fit the enhancements in Wii Fit Plus are worth the $20.  It would have been nice to have an option to download Wii Fit Plus as DLC for Wii Fit, but given everything they added I can understand why they decided to release it as a stand alone disc.  It would require quite a bit of memory to store.

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