Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Just Cause 2 Demo Impressions

I did not really have much of an interest in playing Just Cause 2, but after reading and hearing a lot of people’s reviews of how much they loved it I decide to give the demo a try. I can see why people are enjoying Just Cause 2. It is a huge open world with a great grapple hook and parachute mechanic. However, after playing the demo I just don’t really care for Just Cause 2.  The weapons all felt pretty weak and lame. The story, at least in the demo, seemed to be there just to give you a reason to run around and blow stuff up.  Which can be fine but combined with the really bad voice acting I found it really annoying.  With games like Red Dead Redemption and Crackdown 2 coming out in the coming months I’ll be getting my fill of open world, sandbox games very soon.  No reason to play a mediocre one now.

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