Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Vanquish Demo Impressions

When the demo for Vanquish hit Xbox Live Marketplace this week I was looking forward to playing through it.  I got to try Vanquish for a few minutes at E3 and it was really fun.  This demo is pretty much the same as what I got to try at E3.  However, it was nice to play it on my own system and actually be able to hear the sound.

I had fun playing through the demo but I suspect I’ll end up playing the full game on Casual because I was getting my butt kicked in the demo. The tutorial is way to slow paced but you only do it once so it was not a big deal.  I don’t think I was playing it like the developers intended.  It seems like a fast paced constant motion type shooter but I started off finding a sniper rifle and used it from one place until I ran out of ammo.  Then I went in close and used a lot of melee attacks with the slide ability.  It was really fun but when I tried to slide and shoot I had trouble keeping my aim where I wanted. I probably need to adjust the sensitivity settings…assuming their are some. Still, it was fun and I like that they are not afraid to have a ridiculously hard multi-stage boss fight.

For me Vanquish is going to be one of those games I rent for a weekend (or full week if it is longer) play through and them I’m done with. Fun to play once but not so great that I’ll be going back to it over and over.

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