Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Demo Impressions

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West was not really on my radar before this week. I had seen the trailers and while they looked good graphically it seemed like a third person platformer which I’m not a fan of.  Things would probably have stayed that way if not for a large number of my friends talking about how much fun it is. So, when I saw there was a demo available for Enslaved on Xbox Live Marketplace I decided to check it out. The demo seems to be the first level of the game which gets the main story under way. I enjoyed how they just throw you into the game and then at the end of the level stop and explain what the goal for the rest of the game is going to be. Graphically it does look pretty good. There is a nice mix of colors throughout the game’s world – at least in the demo level.  The traversal and platforming part was actually much easier that I was afraid it would be.  You just aim in the direction of the next platform/handhold and press A. That is about the level of my platforming abilities so it worked well for me.  The fighting was pretty simple with just a few attack buttons but I prefer that to trying to remember dozens of combos. Maybe I just missed it but I did find myself wanting a way to lock on to the enemy I was fighting to keep the camera on him.  Not a huge deal but it would be nice.  After playing through the demo I went strait over to my computer and added it to my GameFly Q. I’m looking forward to playing through the rest of the game and seeing how the story plays out.

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