Jigsaw's Blog: My thoughts on games (and other stuff)

Dungeon Siege III Demo and Dungeon Runners Quick Thoughts

A Dungeon Siege III demo hit Xbox Live this week and I’ve been enjoying it.  The camera angles get a little annoying at spots but otherwise it is pretty fun. Only 2 of the 4 classes from the full game are available in the demo, but those two are both pretty fun.  The one big complaint I keep hearing is that you have a separate character for co-op and single player. The developers did the intentionally so that the story plays correctly and you don’t have 4 of the same character playing at once.  It would have been nice to have one character that plays both co-op and solo, but I don’t think doing it separately like this is such a big deal. I’m looking forward to playing some co0op when it releases.

I’ve also been playing some Dungeon Runners this week as well. No, not the MMORPG. This web based rougelike is simple but really fun.  You have one screen and 5 characters to get to the final treasure.  Kill the enemies and the loot; then get scored for how well you do. If you have 5 minutes I would highly recommend checking it out.  Be sure to read through the instructions 🙂

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