Blog for the Boys

Hello everyone!

We have now hit the 9 month mark. I thought 8 months was an active age! Overall Jeremiah is doing well. He has been fighting a cold the last several days, so that has been rough. But he just keeps going.

It is so hard to get exact measurements of him. Andy says I need to take him to Petco and put him on the dog scale. We think he weighs about 19 lbs and is 28 3/4 inches. I think he has slimmed down some this month. He has definitely been active!!

He does an excellent job at pulling himself up on things and has become quite quick at “cruising” around the furniture. AND tonight he took his on-his-own first steps!! He took 3-4 steps and then I would put him back and he would do it again. Andy is going to put the video on the website. Be sure to check it out.

He is eating anything and everything we will give him. He recognizes many different types of fruit when we eat it and he wants some. He does a pretty good job of feeding himself finger foods. He learned the sign language sign for “more” very quickly and does it as soon as the food is in his mouth. We did find one food he didn’t like, avocado. I have a feeling if we try it again and he can feed it to himself he will eat it.

He also has started to say “Banana” or “Nana”. If we try to get him to say it when he is not eating a banana he will look around for one. This joins “Mum” and “Dada”. He definitely understands some words, but can’t say them. He will look to find the things we say; ball, Daddy, books.

He still loves books. He got a John Deere ABC book and he loves it. He tries to move the tractor and does well turning the wheel. His other favorite toy is his blocks. Andy taught him to talk into the end and make noise. He also loves to knock down towers we make and take the lid off the bucket. His favorite thing to do right now though is tear apart Kleenex. He will rip a piece off and tear it to shreds and then start all over. He will easily do this for 15 minutes at a time.

This month he has also started to mimic us more. He can clap and raise his hands for “touchdown”. He will wave, usually at babies and the TV, we are still working on people. He waves when Andy leaves in the morning, but usually after the door is closed. He has started to give five. He thinks it is funny when I blow kisses, but he hasn’t tried that.

He also has discovered the magnets on the refrigerator. He found one on the floor the other day and was so excited when he got it to stick to the refrigerator. This has been a big help to me as he will play by the frig while I get stuff done in the kitchen.

His expressions continue to keep us laughing. He definitely wears his emotions on his face!!! So we are easily entertained.

Hope all is well there! Enjoy the picture.


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