Blog for the Boys

10 months – that is almost a year! It is so crazy to think. Jeremiah has stayed about the same height and weight this month. Looking back and comparing his 6 month and 9 month pictures, you can definitely see the changes. He seems more like a little boy now than a chubby baby.

Jeremiah is doing a pretty good job walking. If he is awake he can walk by himself across the width of the living room. If he is sleepy, only about 2 steps. He is a great “cruiser”. He is fast going down the couch holding on.

Jeremiah has figured out quite a bit this month. He knows that an owl says hoo, and will accidentally whistle as he “hoos”. He can’t whistle on purpose, but he tries. He will wave to almost anyone now, which makes going to a store take twice as long, because people stop to talk to him. He is selective on who gets high fives, but he is getting better at that. He has also figured out how to stick out his tongue and make it curl up toward his nose. He shakes his head “no” all the time, even when he means yes, but there are definitely times when he means “NO”. He has also figured out how to open the cabinet and pull out the tupperware and the plastic bowls.

Probably my favorite thing is he will wisper “tickle, tickle, tickle” as he touches different toys. He is so funny. Every food is “banana” and if you try to tell him differently he will just say banana with more emphasis. His vocabulary has expanded. He will say duck, bo – book, boo – boom, dog, ball, owl, bubble. Then he will
mimic many more words – magnet, thank you and anything else he thinks he can say.

Jeremiah still doesn’t have any teeth and none seem to appear to be in any hurry to come in. (6 month old cousin Grace may have teeth before him!) That doesn’t stop him eating though, he continues to eat anything and everything we give him, plus stuff he finds on the floor. Can you ever get your floors clean enough? He loves meat. Not a real big surprise. But is still really good about eating his vegetables too!

Great Grandma Caughell came out to visit last week. We went to the Wild Animal Park, to see the Dead Sea Scrolls and on a tour of San Diego by land and harbor. Jeremiah was such a good traveler. He loves to watch people so he was thrilled to be at so many new places. He really liked the animals at the Wild Animal Park. Great Grandma taught him how to “stir, stir, stir” with his measuring cup and spoon. After she left he started saying “tir, tir, tir”.

I hope all is well with you. Hope to hear from you soon!


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